Agenda & Budget

Buda City Council Chambers

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Notice of Possible Quorum

Buda Economic Development Corporation 

Thursday, March 13, 2023

8:00 A.M.- 9:00 A.M.


307 N. San Marcos Street, Buda, Texas 78610

A quorum of the members of a governmental body may assemble in an informal setting, such as this social occasion, but will only be subject to the requirements of the Act if the members engage in a verbal exchange about public business or policy. The event described above is a social function unrelated to the public business that is conducted by the body. The attendance by a quorum of the City of Buda City Council or other Boards and Commissions at this meeting is not considered a “meeting” under the Act “if formal action is not taken and any discussion of public business is incidental to the social function.”  No formal action will be taken.

Posted at Buda City Hall by Alicia Ramirez, City Clerk on March 13, 2024 by 8:00 a.m.


Alicia Ramirez, City Clerk

*Boards and Commissions: 

Main Street Advisory Board

Construction Board of Appeals

Dupre Local Government Corporation/TIRZ

Economic Development Corporation

Historic Preservation Commission

Library Commission

Parks & Recreation Commission

Planning & Zoning

Zoning Board of Adjustment

Sustainability Commission

City Council, Board, & Commission Meetings



Requests for reasonable accommodations must be made 72 hours before the meeting.  Please get in touch with the ADA Coordinator or the City Clerk at (512) 523-1014, or FAX (512) 641-5817 for information or assistance.  Additional information available – City of Buda ADA Information.


Buda EDC’s budget outlines its programs and expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year. After Buda EDC Board approval, the budget is submitted to City Council so it can discharge its duties to approve all programs and expenditures of Buda EDC under Texas Local Government Code Section 501.073. In addition, Buda EDC publishes a general notice in the Hays Free Press to give public notice of its planned budget, programs, and proposed expenditures for each fiscal year and holds a public hearing on its budget, programs, and proposed expenditures.

Fiscal Year 2024-2025 – Adopted Budget

FY 2024 – 2025 Adopted Budget

Fiscal Year 2023-2024 – Adopted Budget

FY 2023 – 2024 Adopted Budget

Buda Budget Cover